A downloadable asset pack

3D Stealth Prototype - Inspired by EVE Online - Showcasing Stealth Level Design

Action Stealth

Created in Unity


  • Created All Level Design
  • Designed Puzzle Mechanics
  • Designed Security Camera Mechanics
  • Game Design Documentation
  • Early Blueprinting
  • Wrote Story Concept (Available in GDD)

Group project showcasing hacking style puzzle mechanics, level design of sci-fi ship interior and stealth based level design/enemy movement patterns, animation for player death, and enemy player detection system AI - Also includes Game Design Document I wrote for the project.

Self-reflection downloadable document includes game design principles, inspirations, my experience of the development process and a few examples of my contributions to the project. 

Game Design Document LINK: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BPP8Fced1wtd__SaGSxIX4us-hplLp5KI5gqSZm_I0U/...


Project Eve Self Reflect.odt 12 MB

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